How to Integrate a Standalone Python Script into a Rails Application

How to integrate a standalone Python script into a Rails application?

Your index method does not work because python --version outputs its version to STDERR, not STDOUT. If you don't need to separate these streams, you may just redirect STDERR to STDOUT:

value = %x(python --version 2>&1)

This call is synchronous, so after running the script (python foo bar 2>&1), you should be able to read the files produced by it.

If the script is not able to create the files for some reason, you will now see the exception in the value variable because error messages are usually sent to STDERR.

If you want to separate STDERR from STDOUT, use the Open3 module.

Beware that the script takes some time to run, so the calls may overlap. I would use a queue here to prevent this.

And don't forget to check the data the user enters. Never pass it directly to the script.

How to Run a Python Script from a Rails Application?

Here are ways to execute a shell script



system( "python" )


exec(" python")

exec replaces the current process by running the given external command.

Returns none, the current process is replaced and never continues.

Run python from a click event in ruby

Check this SO post: Call python script from ruby

ruby provides a variety of methods, exec, system that all take the path to the ,py file along with arguments. Something like

result = exec("python /path/to/script/ params")


system 'python /path/to/script/', params1, params2

Or even backquotes

`python /path/to/script/ foo bar`

Now, the question is where to put this? I am assuming you have a controller that handles clicks, and it is this controller where you put this code. Check this link out How to integrate a standalone Python script into a Rails application?

Now details depend a lot on your python script. By 'alert script', do you mean a Javascript alert() dialog, a flash msg or anything else? It's always a good idea to refactor your python code to return a string result and the use that in ruby-on-rails. Even better, as far as possible, write the alert-creating-script in ruby itself! It might not be possible in a 3rd-party library setting, but for a simple stand-alone script, it's worth the effort!

Integrating scientific python into an existing Rails webapp

In lieu of substantially hacking apart either codebase to fit the other, I would first propose you evaluate an SOA solution.

e.g. create an API interface to your Python system, and have
the Rails app call that API for what the HR and public-site systems

Call Rails 4 param in Python script

well you could just pass them as command line arguments to your script. %x does string interpolation, but you need to be careful and verify the input since someone could pass params[:contest_url] = " && rm -rf / " or something similar into your script and cause you problems(never trust user input) So the Shellwords ( class can help. Perhaps something like.

value = %x(/Users/my/Desktop/ #{Shellwords.escape(params[:site])} #{Shellwords.escape(params[:contest_url])} 2>&1)

Then just make your python script read the values via STDIN

#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys

print "Site: ", sys.argv[1]
print "Url: ", sys.argv[2]

I made your python scripts shebang call /usr/bin/env python, but if python isn't in the path of the user that your rails app is running as you might need the full path. Also you don't need a /bin/bash at the top of your python script if you are calling it as an argument to the python executable.

Call python script from ruby

One way would be exec.

result = exec("python params")

Creating a standalone HTTP server to invoke a URL

You can write a Flask app, see their hello tutorial:

with the below code.

import os, requests
from flask import Flask, request

def create_app(test_config=None):

# create and configure the app
app = Flask(__name__, instance_relative_config=True)

def hello():
url = request.args.get('url')
response = requests.get(url)
return "Response: " + response.text
return app

Autoloading a bunch of small classes

You can let a particular file be loaded only when a particular module is accessed by using the Kernel#autoload method.

autoload(:Foo, "foo.rb")
autoload(:Bar, "bar.rb")

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