Find Out If Current Time Is Between Two Times

Check current time is between two times

You may use datetime.weekday() method and attributes: datetime.hour and datetime.minute.

now =
if now.weekday() < 5 and now.hour == 18 and 0 <= now.minute <= 15:

Find out if current time is between two times

Perhaps you want something like this:

current_time =
open_time = store.open_time
close_time = store.close_time
current_time -= current_time.beginning_of_day
open_time -= open_time.beginning_of_day
close_time -= close_time.beginning_of_day
if current_time.between?(open_time, close_time)


current_time =
open_time = store.open_time
close_time = store.close_time
current_time = [current_time.hour, current_time.min, current_time.sec]
open_time = [open_time.hour, open_time.min, open_time.sec]
close_time = [close_time.hour, close_time.min, close_time.sec]
if open_time <=> current_time == -1 and current_time <=> close_time == -1

Check if time is between two values with hours and minutes in javascript

If its 14:04 your condition will fail as 4 is smaller 5. The simplest would probably be to just take the full minutes of the day:

 const start = 13 * 60 + 5;
const end = 19 * 60 + 57;
const date = new Date();
const now = date.getHours() * 60 + date.getMinutes();

if(start <= now && now <= end)
alert("in time");

How to know if current time is between two timespans?

You can just use:

if (startTime < now && now < endTime)

Note that:

  • This doesn't check the date; doesn't look like that's an issue here
  • Depending on why you're doing this, you may want to consider intervals such as "10pm-2am" at which point you effectively want to reverse the logic
  • In most cases, it's worth making the lower-bound inclusive and the upper-bound exclusive, e.g.

    if (startTime <= now && now < endTime)

    That's useful because then you can have several intervals where the end of one interval is the start of the next interval, and any one time is in exactly one interval.

To handle the "10pm-2am" example, you'd want something like:

if (interval.StartTime < interval.EndTime)
// Normal case, e.g. 8am-2pm
return interval.StartTime <= candidateTime && candidateTime < interval.EndTime;
// Reverse case, e.g. 10pm-2am
return interval.StartTime <= candidateTime || candidateTime < interval.EndTime;

Swift 5: Calculate current time is between 2 times

Set up the DateComponentsFormatter

let dcf = DateComponentsFormatter()
dcf.allowedUnits = [.day, .hour, .minute, .second]
dcf.unitsStyle = .full

Set up ordinary date formatter

let df = ISO8601DateFormatter()
df.formatOptions = [.withFullDate, .withDashSeparatorInDate]

Perform formatting

if let future = "2019-04-29"), let diff = dcf.string(from: Date(), to: future) {

Output is

3 days, 6 hours, 9 minutes, 9 seconds

Swfit- Check whether current time is between two time string

You can set the date formatter defaultDate for today, parse the date strings, create a DateInterval with the start and end date and check if it contains now Date():

extension Formatter {
static let today: DateFormatter = {
let dateFormatter = DateFormatter()
dateFormatter.locale = .init(identifier: "en_US_POSIX")
dateFormatter.defaultDate = Calendar.current.startOfDay(for: Date())
dateFormatter.dateFormat = "hh:mm a"
return dateFormatter


func checkIfCurrentTimeIsBetween(startTime: String, endTime: String) -> Bool {
guard let start = startTime),
let end = endTime) else {
return false
return DateInterval(start: start, end: end).contains(Date())

let startTime = "10:30 AM"
let endTime = "06:30 PM"
checkIfCurrentTimeIsBetween(startTime: startTime, endTime: endTime) // true

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